$value) $$key = $value; if (isset($_SESSION)) { foreach ($_SESSION as $key => $value) $$key = &$_SESSION[$key]; } $PHP_SELF = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; } include("/var/www/common/share/util/lib/gallery.inc.php"); //$hdir = ""; //$hdir = ""; //$hdir = "http://pedemont.net.au/~web4_daniel.g/g/"; $hdir = "http://pedemont.net.au/~dan/g/"; //$arrow_imgdir = ""; //$arrow_imgdir = ""; //$arrow_imgdir = "http://pedemont.net.au/~web4_daniel.g/images"; $arrow_imgdir = "http://pedemont.net.au/~dan/images"; //setup full disk path to gallery //$GLOBALS["GDIR"] = _GINC_PATH . "/../gallery/"; $GLOBALS["GDIR"] = "/var/www/pedemont.net.au/user/dan/web/g/"; if (isset($dir)) { $GLOBALS["GDIR"] = "{$GLOBALS['GDIR']}$dir/"; //setup full http path to gallery $hdir = "{$hdir}$dir/"; } // cache $pad = 2; //amount of cells to side of index $pa = get_pics($GDIR); // picture array $pa_size = sizeof($pa); // lookup save //setup index cell if (isset($id) == false) $id = rand(0, $pa_size-1); //setup left n right cells //$lid = 0; //$lid -= ($pa_size - $id) + $pad; $lid = ($pa_size - $id) + $pad; $l_gallery_pics = side_gallery($hdir, ",100", "$lid,$pad"); $r_gallery_pics = ''; if ($id < $pad) { $align=" align=\"right\""; $l_gallery_pics = side_gallery($hdir, ",100", "0,".($pad+$id)); } else { $l_gallery_pics = side_gallery($hdir, ",100", "$lid,$pad"); $r_gallery_pics = side_gallery($hdir, ",100", "$id,$pad"); } //setup directory bar $directory_pics = side_directory($hdir); //setup navigation links $phphrefattr = "?"; //"modules.php?name=Gallery&"; $prev = $id-1; $bar_prev = $id-($pad * 2); $next = $id+1; $bar_next = $id+($pad * 2); if ($bar_prev < 0 && $id > 0) $bar_prev = 0; if ($bar_next > ($pa_size-1) && $id < ($pa_size-1)) $bar_next = $pa_size-1; if ($prev >= 0) $xhtml_prev = "".($prev+1)." "; else $xhtml_prev = ""; if ($bar_prev >= 0) $xhtml_bprev = "" ."
(".($bar_prev-$pad >= 0 ? ($bar_prev-$pad+1)." .. " : ($bar_prev+1 == 1 ? "" : "1 .. "))."".($bar_prev+1)." .. " .($bar_prev+$pad).")"; else $xhtml_bprev = ""; if ($next < $pa_size) $xhtml_next = "".($next+1)." "; else $xhtml_next = ""; if ($bar_next < $pa_size) $xhtml_bnext = "" ."
(".($bar_next-$pad+1)." .. ".($bar_next+1)."" .($bar_next+$pad < $pa_size ? ".. ".($bar_next+$pad+1) : "").")"; else $xhtml_bnext = ""; //prepare xhtml $filetype = @filetype($GDIR."/$pa[$id]"); if (! $filetype) { //if dir/id = bullshite Header("Location: $hdir"); //"modules.php?name=Gallery"); return; } /* if ($filetype == "dir" OR preg_match('/^\.\.$/', $pa[$id])) { list(, $id_img) = split("public_html/", _DIR_PIC); $id_img = "/~swan/$id_img"; //"$id_img"; !!NB: this line can also make or brake things } */ else $id_img = "$hdir/$pa[$id]"; if (isset($dir)) $dir_html = ""; else $dir_html = ""; $id_html = ""; $out = <<< EOF
Jump to picture: $id_html
$xhtml_bprev $l_gallery_pics $r_gallery_pics $xhtml_bnext
Viewing Picture: $next / $pa_size
Directories: $directory_pics
EOF; echo $out; ?>